Power Her Wings, led by Arshiya Sharma, is dedicated to empowering young underprivileged girls of age group 11-18 years. We strive to raise awareness about the challenges they face, educate them on physical and mental well-being, and foster a society where every female is recognised, respected, and given equal opportunities. We firmly believe in the equal partnership of girls and boys, harnessing the immense potential they hold. Our goal is to expand our operations nationwide, empowering girls to become catalysts for a positive change.

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Power Her Wings encourages all girls to be

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Our Dedicated Team

Pradeepika Gupta

Volunteer, LUCKNOW

Sanvi Aggarwal

Volunteer, PANIPAT

Riya Mohata

Volunteer, ASSAM

Kavya Gattani

Volunteer, ASSAM

Vani Pahuja

Volunteer, Haryana

Varidhi Agarwal

Volunteer, Girjat